Have Thomas Friedman and others since September 11, wallowed in the decline of America? As a matter of fact, Thomas Friedman in his recent Sunday column does compare negatively the American versus Chinese economic trajectory Their Moon Shot and Ours. However, there are increasing voices on the opposite end urging not Wallowing in Decline - By James Traub | Foreign Policy
Endless streaming of political events oftentimes makes us feel like merely passive observers standing at a River's Bend, as stories of humanity flow by, rather than the active citizens of our local, global and virtual communities we'd like to be. Join us at the River's Bend (RB) and don't just follow the news, but engage through comment, debate and discussion of topics of interest and the major issues of the day.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Wallowing in Decline or Clashing Moon Shots
Have Thomas Friedman and others since September 11, wallowed in the decline of America? As a matter of fact, Thomas Friedman in his recent Sunday column does compare negatively the American versus Chinese economic trajectory Their Moon Shot and Ours. However, there are increasing voices on the opposite end urging not Wallowing in Decline - By James Traub | Foreign Policy
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Beware of Greeks Bearing Bonds Business: vanityfair.com
Friday, July 23, 2010
The 2010 Failed States Index | Foreign Policy
On the day that seven European banks failed the stress test of a possible double dip recession, Foreign Policy published its The 2010 Failed States Index | Foreign Policy. Is the European Union on its way to being a failed experiment or is it too simplistic an analysis? There is however, a distinct model that is being tried in Europe to deal with the Financial Crisis, than the stimulus approach of the Obama administration and by what Paul Krugman has been demanding to Redo the Voodoo.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
It's all about Branding
I remember the first time, I noticed the new BP logo, being fully aware of the history and the marketing of British Petroleum from its influential role in the geopolitics in Iran and the Caspian since 1908, the new logo of the green energy sun with the new "Beyond Petroleum" tagline was indicative of the importance of branding and rebranding in our flattened world. The oil leak in Gulf of Mexico has sensitized our consumerist environmental concerns and blemishes the green and yellow sun of the logo. However, the logo of 2001 attempts to whitewash the history of a corporate giant that has mixed state and corporate interests in imperial geopolitical games. It is our value added perceptions of corporations and imperial games that necessitate marketing rebranding to make consumption palatable for us. Whitewash can only cover so much; inevitably the darker past comes through. The leak in the Gulf is not unusual in oil exploration; there are leaks that last months until they can be tapped. One has to look to the frantic drilling in the Caspian Sea since 1989 and the environmental degradation that has resulted from it. So advertisers get ready BP is about to put out a new RFP for a new branding campaign as the 2001 logo is washing away.
In case you thought BP's PR problems couldn't get any worse... - By Steve LeVine | The Oil and the Glory
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Glocal Politics
Some months ago, while I was reading the New York Times, I saw the word glocal for the first time. My immediate suspicion that it sounded like a marketing term conjured up for a focus group by a PR firm was confirmed a couple of days later when I heard it on one of the Sunday morning news shows. In today's New York Times, (July 6, 2010) David Barboza in his technology column reviews the Supply Chain for iphone in order to highlight the costs in China, but in the process provides ample information of the interconnection of the world. (Never mind the profit margin for Apple)
While Roger Cohen in his column (NYT, July 6, 2010) A World of Hope uses the backdrop of the World Cup in South Africa to give another angle of this international system which appears to be less state-centric arguing that states " are as obsolete as my old Olivetti? Networks outstrip nations that are left playing catch-up, like those long-haired Argentines chasing trim German shadows. Networks are hopeful. They’re where the coming generations live and love."
Are we in the age of Glocal Politics, where it is the networks and not the distinct boundaries of the states that determine and separate domestic from international.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Actually, It's Mountains - By Robert D. Kaplan | Foreign Policy
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
The Runaway General | Rolling Stone Politics
Monday, June 21, 2010
The Larger Struggle
Friday, June 11, 2010
Reset: Iran, Turkey, and America's Future
I just recently finished the book by Stephen Kinzer, Reset: Iran, Turkey, and America's Future, which I found to be an interesting historical read, especially as it is filled with anecdotal evidence of American foreign policy exchanges. His retelling of the US-Iran story is a must read for anyone that's interested in understanding the divisions and apprehensions that define the current state of affairs between these two states. Narrow American interests that were tied to fighting the cold war and at the same time acting as a protector of business created a blind spot among American policy makers toward the abusive and dictatorial regime of the Shah, which made the US accomplices in the eyes of the Iranian people.