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After reading Stephen Walt's post in his Foreign Policy blog, I thought that it is a great follow up on the topic I post it a couple of days ago on the Obama Doctrine. You have to remember that Stephen Walt is a Realist and as such has never followed through the argument put forth by the Bush administration and the Neo-Cons. As I posted earlier a number of critics to President Obama's strategy view his approach as different but the strategy the same. Stephen Walt is a powerful voice within the Realist camp that should be considered seriously.
After reading Stephen Walt's post in his Foreign Policy blog, I thought that it is a great follow up on the topic I post it a couple of days ago on the Obama Doctrine. You have to remember that Stephen Walt is a Realist and as such has never followed through the argument put forth by the Bush administration and the Neo-Cons. As I posted earlier a number of critics to President Obama's strategy view his approach as different but the strategy the same. Stephen Walt is a powerful voice within the Realist camp that should be considered seriously.