
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Runaway General | Rolling Stone Politics

The Runaway General | Rolling Stone Politics This article is another example of how a failed policy in Afghanistan can not be undone simply by electoral politics. Foreign policy has a memory and stems from domestic conditions as well as the actions of individuals.


  1. Bueno de Mesquita supports this in, "Principles of International Politics," by asserting that the study of international affairs focuses too often on the effect of the structure of the international system and not enough on the reasoned decision-making of individual leaders (motivated primarily by their desire to stay in power) and domestic politics. "If we ignore the interdependencies between domestic politics and international relations, we are dooming ourselves to gross misunderstandings of how the world actually works"

    Should Obama let a personal issue effect our foreign policy? While he insisted yesterday that McChrystal's resignation was a "personnel, not a policy" change, I'm not sure that the General-swapping cake-walk the U.S. has been playing for the entire Afghan operation is proving effective.

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