
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

"We Can End Poverty" Through Creative Math?

As we are approaching the first target date for The United Nations Millennium Developmental Goals of 2015, the United Nations has utilized some creative means to meet the first goal relating to global poverty. The criteria of the first goal, which is the eradication of poverty and extreme hunger,  have been redefined so as to meet the goal in time.
"Target 1.A:  
Halve, between 1990 and 2015, the proportion of people whose income is less than $1.25 a day"

In a number of recent articles, the United Nations and other organizations have undertaken a process so as to refime the threshold for who is considered poor based on horrifically low levels of consumption. For instance in a recent article in the Guardian newspaper of London, Ravi S Jha, questions in Redefining Poverty, the wisdom of reducing the threshold of poverty to $1.25 per person, since the number of poor is increasing and the inequality is getting greater, especially in India and China.

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